Relic Engineer (AR)


Card Info

Race : Artifact

Type : ship (Science ship)

Rarity : uncommon

Stats : 4 attack, 26 defense

Cost : 5


automatic : Generates 1 energy of the type of a randomly chosen allied ship or structure.

activatable : Generates 1 energy of target allied structure's major race's energy type. (cost : 0)

Mercenary : Naduleus

Note : the stats and abilities below are the core stats of this card without any upgrades. Mercenaries generally receive an upgrade that affects their stats or abilities.

Stats : 4 attack, 30 defense

Cost : 5

automatic : Generates 1 energy of the type of a randomly chosen allied ship or structure.

activatable : Generates 1 energy of target allied structure's major race's energy type. (cost : 0)
