List of Mith'ri'aeil Cards

Note : the stats as they are listed in the table below are taken from HD Xyth. In older versions of the game, some cards might have different stats.

Card Card type Subtype 2nd Race Rarity Attack Defense Energy cost
Abomination ship warrior common 3 24 3 1
Adaptomorph ship soldier common 5 14 3
Armored Growth structure defensive structure elite 3
Assaulter ship warrior RV elite 7 32 4 2
Chaos Bolt action damaging action common 5
Chaos Maw structure warfare structure elite 5
Chaotic Burst action damaging action common 5
Combat Leech ship soldier common 4 8 0
Combat Node ship support ship common 1 5 3
Devourer ship warrior common 3 40 3 1
Eaxiltrix Open Gate action resource action unique 0
Elemental Morph ship support ship RD elite 1 1 3 2
Energy Leech ship industrial support common 2 10 1
Energy Shell action resource action common 1
Energy Warp action resource action common 2
Enslaved Soldier ship soldier CC elite 6 20 2 1
Entromorph ship soldier common 1 10 1
Entropic Channeler ship commander elite 4 40 6 3
Entropic Engineer ship warrior common 4 36 4
Entropic Link structure energy structure common 1
Entropic Monolith structure energy structure common 0
Entropic Regeneration action repair action common 3
Entropy Node structure energy structure common 1
Failed Symbiont ship support ship RV elite 4 20 2 1
Fusion Monolith structure energy structure CC common 0
Grasper Morph ship commander common 8 28 5 3
Gravimorphing action ship modding action RV elite 1 1
Growth Spire structure defensive structure common 3
Horde Regenerator ship support ship common 3 20 3 1
Hydramorph ship soldier common 1 15 3
Infect action ship modding action elite 2
Infected Growth ship soldier common 1 18 2
Leech Hive structure shipyard elite 5
Mass Mutation action ship modding action common 4 2
Mind Morpholith structure energy structure common 0
Morpholith structure energy structure common 0
Mutate action ship modding action common 2
Mutating Vector ship soldier HU elite 4 14 1 1
Negator ship warrior common 5 24 3 1
Obscure Megalith structure energy structure elite 1
Persistent Morph ship warrior common 5 32 4 2
Plague Morph ship warrior common 5 25 4 1
Regrowth action repair action common 1
Rift Monolith structure energy structure RD common 0
Shield Morph ship support ship common 3 24 3
Shield Node ship soldier common 3 20 3
Shield Transfer action resource action HU common 0
Shifting Morph ship soldier common 1 30 4 1
Siege Monolith structure offensive structure RV elite 1 1
Solar Monolith structure energy structure HU common 0
Solar Technolith structure energy structure elite 0
Space Warp action ewar action elite 8 2
Tackler Morph ship soldier common 3 15 1
The Hunger ship commander elite 8 36 4 2
Triax Intrl'Chcht ship commander elite 8 32 6 3
Triax Node ship soldier common 4 16 2 1
Unstable Mutator ship warrior common 6 25 4 2
VoidBringer ship commander legend 10 40 8 3
Wave Morpholith structure energy structure RV common 0
Weapon Morph action ship modding action common 3

Other Card Lists
