List of Warriors

These medium sized ships are the main combat unit in the fleet. Similar to cruisers, they also often perform a support role.

Note : the stats as they are listed in the table below are taken from HD Xyth. In older versions of the game, some cards might have different stats.

Card Subtype Race 2nd Race Rarity Attack Defense Energy cost
Abomination warrior MT common 3 24 3 1
Assaulter warrior MT RV elite 7 32 4 2
Berserker warrior CC common 6 20 4
Breaker Drone warrior CC common 3 30 4
Chaos Demon warrior RD common 2 30 5
Chaos Moth warrior HU MT elite 4 24 3 2
Core Praetor warrior CC TM elite 4 25 6
Crystal Engineer warrior XY common 3 36 4
Dark Demon warrior RD common 6 24 4
Dark Xyloxi warrior XY CA elite 5 30 3 2
Devourer warrior MT common 3 40 3 1
Drone Bomber warrior CC CA elite 5 25 3 1
Emerald Xyloxi warrior XY common 6 25 4
Entropic Emerald warrior XY MT elite 6 25 3 2
Entropic Engineer warrior MT common 4 36 4
Fusion Demon warrior RD common 5 25 4
Grav Demon warrior RD common 4 20 6
Lesser Rift Demon warrior RD common 3 24 3
Nebula Demon warrior RD common 4 30 4
Negator warrior MT common 5 24 3 1
Opaline Xyloxi warrior XY common 4 20 2
Persistent Morph warrior MT common 5 32 4 2
Plague Morph warrior MT common 5 25 4 1
Prismatic Demon warrior AR common 8 16 0
Rift Demon warrior RD elite 8 24 6 2
Rogue Diver warrior XY common 4 12 4
Ruby Xyloxi warrior XY common 7 24 5
Sapphire Xyloxi warrior XY common 6 24 4
Shimmering Xyloxi warrior XY common 4 16 3
Solar Demon warrior RD common 6 24 4
Solar Xyloxi warrior XY HU elite 4 24 3 2
Swarm Leader warrior CC common 4 24 4
Techno Demon warrior RD common 6 26 5
Techno Leech warrior TM MT elite 4 20 2 2
Trasher warrior CC common 6 15 2
Unstable Mutator warrior MT common 6 25 4 2
Wavebreaker warrior XY RV elite 5 25 3 2
Waverider warrior CC RV elite 4 20 1 1
Wild Berserker warrior CC MT elite 6 20 1 1

Other Card Lists
