Card Types

Cards in Hidden Dimensions belong to one of 3 types :

  • Ships : ships are launched from your base and occupy a slot on the board. Each player can have up to 7 ships at once on the board. Ships are the only cards with attack and defense values. Attack determines the amount of damage a ship does to other ships and bases. Defense is the amount of damage a ship can take before it is destroyed. Ships can have up to 3 abilities.
  • Structures : these cards also take up a slot on the board. Each player can have up to 5 structures in play at once. Structures do not take damage, but can destroyed. Like ships, they can have up to 3 abilities.
  • Actions : these cards do not take up slots on the board, instead their effect on the game is resolved immediately, after which the card goes to the scrapyard.


Each of the 3 main card types can be split into a number of subtypes. The ship subtypes are set up according to ship size and the ships their primary roles. Some of these subtypes are further split in two groups, depending on wether they're actual ships or creatures.
Structure subtypes are set up according to the primary roles of structures.
Action subtypes divide actions according to the general type of effect they'll one the game when they are played.

Ship Subtypes

  • battleships : These are the largest and most powerfull ships in the game, having both high attack and defense.
  • carriers : These are the largest support ships in the fleet.
  • commanders : These are the largest and most powerfull ships in the game, having both high attack and defense.
  • cruisers : These medium sized ships often have relatively high defense, but lower attack strengths. Their primarily role is almost always as support ship for the rest of your fleet.
  • destroyers : Destroyers are medium sized ships who sacrifice defense for high attack values. Often their only role is as assault unit.
  • fighters : These are the smallest combat ships, often with low defense, but also with a low energy cost.
  • industrials : These are a type of support ships, whose primary role is energy generation. Industrials include both ships and creatures.
  • soldiers : These are the smallest combat ships in the fleet, these tend to be low-cost, but also have low defense.
  • support : These ships are primarily small with limited combat abilities, but provide a wide array of support abilities for your fleet. Support includes both ships and creatures.
  • warriors : These medium sized ships are the main combat unit in the fleet. Similar to cruisers, they also often perform a support role.

Structure Subtypes

  • defensive structures : This type of structure provides ways to defend or repair your base or fleet.
  • energy structures : This is the largest subclass of the structures type. Energy structures are the main source of energy in the game. All races have at least several of these.
  • warfare structures : This type of structure provides various electronic warfare abilities.
  • offensive structures : This type of structure mainly offers ways to deal damage to opposing ships or the opposing base. Structures capable of destroying ships or other structures are also listed here.
  • shipyards : These structures are capable of launching ships.

Action Subtypes

  • card actions : These action cards allow the player to draw additonal cards or force the opponent to discard cards or skip their drawing phase.
  • damage actions : These action cards allow the player to deal damage to ships or bases. Damage actions also include cards that can destroy ships or structures.
  • warfare actions : These action cards provide the player with various forms of electronic warfare.
  • modding actions : These action cards provide various ways of modifying ships on the board, primarily by increasing or lowering the attack and defense values of ships.
  • repair actions : These actions provide the player with the means to repair their ships or base.
  • resource actions : These action cards primarily provide the player with the means to generate energy or to affect the energy stocks of players, or to affect the base's energy generation.
  • ability actions : These actions allow the player to change existing abilities or add new abilities to cards in play, primarily ships.