This page gather a collection of terms specific to Hidden Dimensions (most of which you will encounter in the forum) and collectible card games in general, with a short definition for each.
- Abnomnom : Abomination (card)
- Across from : In the same lane as <thing> on the opposing side
- Alpha, card : Any card you can only have if you were an alpha tester
- Artillery : see Direct Damage
- Bait, <thing> : Designed to draw out enemy cards so you can play other stuff safely.
- Block, Ship : To put your ship in front of a specific ship of the opponent
- Blue : see XY
- Board Control : Using abilities of ships or structures to damage or cause stat reductions on any of the enemy's ship slots every turn
- Broken : Extremely good
- Broken in half - More than extremely good
- Brown : see RV
- Buff : benefic effect applied to a ship / improvement of a card in a game update
- Card Advantage : having more usable cards (in hand and board) than your opponent
- CD : Card Disadvantage (inverse of Card Advantage)
- Carrier : Anything that can create a spawned ship
- Cheap : Low cost to cast, or potentially to activate
- CIP : Comes into play, any ability of this type is triggered once when the card is put on the board and never again.
- Clear : Nothing blocking a ship
- Come Across : See Attack
- Combo, Card : From Combination, interactions between cards, especially when those interactions have a very high power level
- Combo Deck : A deck built entirely around an interaction between two cards, especially if it uses cards normally considered to be very weak
- Control deck : deck focusing on answering threats and slowly dominating the game
- Cost : What you lose when you build decks with this card in it, pay in energy to play it, and pay in battle with it.
- Cost Effective : Cost low in relation to total power. Low cost cards with low power aren't cost effective nor are high cost cards with low power.
- Curve, the : The average amount of energy available to a deck at each stage of the game
- Debuff : negative effect applied to a ship
- Deck Building : See Deck Construction
- Deck Construction : Before the game when you are deciding which cards to include
- Decking : running out of cards in the deck, resulting in a loss
- Denial : preventing access to essential ressources such as cards (draw denial : see skipdraw) or energy (see draining)
- Direct Damage : ability to deal damage to any single target (or ship) on the board
- Discard : When a player loses cards directly from their hand before they play it
- Draining : "loses X random energy" ability
- Early Game : The first few turns, when energy is the limiting factor on playing cards
- Expensive : High cost to cast, or potentially to activate
- Finisher : A card that is meant to end the game right away when it is used
- Green : see CA
- Gold : see RD
- Hand : The cards you have already drawn and haven't used
- Haste : "can attack or use ability the same turn it was launched" ability
- HD2 / HDS : The name of the game itself, Hidden Dimensions: Spectrum
- Heal / Healing : See Repair, also used for increasing base HP at the same time as repairing
- Hits Multiple : Anything that attacks the 3 ships in front of it
- Hits 3 : Anything that attacks the 3 ships in front of it
- Hits All : Anything that attacks every slot at once.
- Jumping the curve : Playing things more quickly than is normally possible
- Land : structure, especially one which generates energy each turn
- Late Game : The turns after the early game, when not having more cards in hand is the limiting factor on playing cards
- Life : HP on the base or on a ship
- Life Gain : Increasing/Repairing the HP on the base or a ship
- Nerf : weakening of a card in a game update
- Off Color : Any kind of energy your deck can only use for random costs
- Over the board : Through playing a game
- Pump : to increase (often repeatedly) the stats of a ship
- Purple : see MT
- Pink : see CC
- Rush deck : deck focusing on speed to overwhelm the opponent
- Red : see HU
- Regen : From regenerate, when a ship heals itself every turn as an ability
- Sack : From sacrifice, to destroy your own cards with either the "Remove" button (for structures) or an ability inherent to the ship (hammerhead, Demonic Rift spawned ships, etc)
- Ship Size : Small (1 - 3 cost), Medium (4 - 6 cost), Heavy (7 - 9 cost), Assault (10+ cost)
- Skipdraw : "skip drawing a card next turn" ability
- Slots : Individual spaces on the board (7 for ships and 5 for structures)
- Spamming : repeated use of a card or ability
- Spawn : a small ship launched by a Carrier or Shipyard
- Splash : additional minor race in a deck
- Stack : The cards in the deck that haven't yet been drawn
- Stalemate : All slots are full
- Stall : Artificially stretching out the length of the game in turns in order to get more use out of abilities usable every turn
- Swing / Swing In : See Attack
- Synergy : When the two cards interact better together than independently, such as increasing the max HP of a ship that can regenerate buying it more turns of regeneration
- Teal : see TM
- Team, the : All the ships currently in play on a side
- Wall : a ship with little to none attack power but usually high defense / the ability for a deck to block all enemy ships with ships
- Yellow : see RD