
There are 114 achievements in HD Xyth, unlocking them will reward you with cards. Almost all achievements, when unlocked, will present you with a set of up to 5 cards, from which you may choose one.
When you unlock an achievement, you will be notified on the game over screen, which will show you the icons of the newly unlocked achievements. On top of that, on the main menu, there will be an arrow pointing to the 'Stats' entry when there are achievements for which you haven't chosen a reward yet.

List of achievements

Icon Requirements Rewards
Find and defeat all 8 mythical space creatures Mythicalize
Complete 35 achievements Shield Transfer, Greater Nebula Demon, Recall Gate, Siege Engine, or Salvage Yard
Complete 70 achievements Ruby Xyloxi, Diamond Praetor, Dark Crystal, Hiraga, or Morpholith
Complete 113 achievements Crystal Shield, Gravimorphing, Rogue Diver, Wild Berserker, or Grav Fusion Buoy
Have 4 copies of the same ship in play at once Solar Engineer, EM Pulse, Vector, Unstable Grav Rift, or Lesser Chaos Demon
Have a ship in play with 125 attack or more Recall, Terror Mage, Siege Cruiser, Battle Carrier, or Chainguns
Have a ship in play with 500 defense or more Wave Convertor, Modified Freighter, Freighter, Solar Channeler, or Salvager
Take part in 10 or more wars for a single race Sacrifice, Black Channeler, War Deployment, Technowall, or Plasma Blaster
Take part in wars, fighting for 4 or more different races Shield Booster, Crystal Dorgan, Venom, Crystal Channeler, or Support Drone
Take part in wars, fighting for 8 different races Cerberus Drone, Dark Channeler, Entropy Node, Shield Praetor, or Prismatic Crystal
Score 100 or more points in a single war Anti Screen, Greater Chaos Demon, Combat Node, Dreadnought, or Shimmering Xyloxi
Score 250 or more points in a single war Fuel Tanker, Dimensional Link, Flak Turret, Solar Xyloxi, or Tarogi
Score a total of 1000 points or more across any number of wars Artillery Cruiser, Assaulter, Grav Flux Amplifier, Shield Spire, or Echo Image
Play a total of 100 or more games across all game modes and difficulties Weapon Morph, Amber Xyloxi, Power Plant, Nebula Spire, or Data Recall
Play a total of 200 or more games across all game modes and difficulties Dark Energy Tower, Armored Growth, Charge, Chaotic Channeler, or Mind Morpholith
Win a total of 50 or more games across all game modes and difficulties Horde Regenerator, Dark Deflector, Virus Spire, Guardian Akata, or Radar Silhouette
Win a total of 100 or more games across all game modes and difficulties Chaotic Burst, Crystal Tree, Negator, Aether Spark, or Hacker Gate
Win a survival game that lasted 50 or more rounds on any difficulty Fusion Capacitor, Elemental Techno Crystal, Grav Wave Farm, Ghost Screen, or Ambush
Reach marathon level 100 for any difficulty Technospire, Techno Quasar, Railgun Turret, Datanought, or Crystalline Fusor
Collect 15 or more different awards across any number of games Nebula Demon, Elemental Techno Crystal, Soldier Drone, Solar Citadel, or Exion'Exus
Collect 20 or more different awards across any number of games Solar Monolith, Leech Hive, Antigrav Shield, Massive Antigate, or Flickering Ghost
Collect a total of 500 awards across any number of games Nanobot Swarm, Dark Crystalline Fusor, Solarfusor, Rift Warden, or Adaptomorph
Collect a total of 1000 awards across any number of games Entropic Regeneration, Anti Shield, New Intel, Energy Vortex, or Technoseer
Play a total of 2500 cards across any number of games Control Feedback, Entropic Emerald, Lesser Grav Demon, Data Shield, or Grav Current Buoy
Play a total of 5000 cards across any number of games Solar Buoy, Energy Shield, Rift Tracer, Techno Architect, or Unstable Freighter
Play a total of 250 upgraded cards across any number of games Dark Bolt, Firewing, Support Spire, Greater Solar Demon, or Solar Tree
Launch a total of 500 ships across any number of games Advance Knowledge, Greater Nebula Demon, Adaptomorph, Support Node, or Pulsar Class
Launch a total of 1000 ships across any number of games Shard Tree, Elemental Morph, Freighter, Siege Praetor, or Swarm Leader
Deploy a total of 250 structures across any number of games Regrowth, Solar Xyloxi, Techno Magister, Data Shield, or Defensive Formation
Deploy a total of 500 structures across any number of games Mass Mutation, Infect, Dark Energy, Scylior, or Venom
Play a total of 200 actions across any number of games Mass Regeneration, Artillery Turret, Techno Drain, Chaos Moth, or Ruby Xyloxi
Play a total of 400 actions across any number of games Chainguns, Oppressor, Lesser Nebula Demon, Dimensional Channeler, or Charge
Destroy a total of 250 opposing ships across any number of games Crystal Aura, Crusher Class, Clone, Dataminer, or Chimera
Destroy a total of 500 opposing ships across any number of games Lesser Rift, Bombardment, Equalizer Ghost, Armored Growth, or Negator
Deal a total of 10000 or more damage to opposing ships across any number of games Radar Silhouette, Modified Freighter, Shifting Morph, Terror Mage, or Energy Shell
Deal a total of 7500 or more damage to opposing bases across any number of games Inversion Monolith, Shield Bastion, Dark Fusor, Technosavant, or Antigrav Shield
Deal a total of 25000 or more damage to opposing targets across any number of games Void Armor, Crystal Wraith, Persistent Morph, Technowall, or Pulsar Class
Deal a total of 50000 or more damage to opposing targets across any number of games Energy Rift, Rift Warden, War Deployment, Spire Fusion, or Virus Spire
Generate a total of 5000 or more energy across all energy types Thunder Shard, Cerberus Dorgan, Lesser Fusion Demon, Dreadnought, or Techno Demon
Generate a total of 10000 or more energy across all energy types Shield Drone, Fusion Furnace, Shatterer, Space Warp, or Echo Image
Use a total of 2500 or more energy across all energy types for any purpose Horde Regenerator, Demonology, Dark Sentinel, Waverider, or Support Drone
Use a total of 5000 or more energy across all energy types for any purpose Dimensional Wave Hub, Wyvern, Entropic Regeneration, Shield Spire, or Solar Buoy
Win at least 10 times against decks containing at least 50% cards of this race Solar Storm, Cruise Missile, Troy, Flare Chaser, or Torpedo
Launch at least 100 ships of this race Deflector Field, Amiaru, Kimiko, Crusher Class, or Breaker Class
Deploy at least 75 structures of this race Rocket Battery, Artillery Turret, Shield Generator, Crystal Antistar, or Solar Gate
Play at least 50 actions of this race EMP Missile, Bombardment, Defensive Formation, Sneak Attack, or Emergency Repair
Destroy a total of 50 opposing ships of this race Flare Spire, Solar Plant, Chaos Moth, Chimera, or Vulture
Generate a total of 1000 solar energy Solar Harvester, Restoration Field, Wyvern, Battery, or Antisolar Plant
Use a total of 500 solar energy Akata, Nagato, Solar Citadel, Sun Spire, or Crystal Plant
Unlock the 7 preceding achievements Karasu, Phoenix, 4th Moon of Xyth, Void Engine, or Dataminer
Win at least 10 times against decks containing at least 50% cards of this race Inversion Monolith, Unstable Freighter, Support Node, Antimatter Storage, or Shield Link
Launch at least 100 ships of this race Plasma Screen, Void Diver, Assault Dorgan, Cerberus Dorgan, or Warfare Thogrom
Deploy at least 75 structures of this race Antimatter Field, Adelan Device, Dark Energy Field, Dark Obelisk, or Dark Spire
Play at least 50 actions of this race Antimatter Bomb, Siege Anchor, Antimatter Weaponry, Reverse Knowledge, or Repair
Destroy a total of 50 opposing ships of this race Energize, Antimatter Plant, Massive Antigate, Antimatter Engineer, or Antifusor
Generate a total of 1000 dark energy Void Armor, Crystalline Fusor, Anti Shield, Weaken, or Fusion Drain
Use a total of 500 dark energy Guardian, Fortify, Tarynn'Ixia, Dark Sentinel, or Thogrom Bomber
Unlock the 7 preceding achievements Darkwing, Neyon'Moru, 3rd Moon of Xyth, Void Engine, or Aelynn'Ador
Win at least 10 times against decks containing at least 50% cards of this race Opaline Xyloxi, Nebula Scout, Entropic Emerald, Lightning Arc, or Nebular Crystal
Launch at least 100 ships of this race Data Spark, Thunder Mage, Spark, Flux Mage, or Crystal Engineer
Deploy at least 75 structures of this race Crystal Monolith, Data Spire, Solar Tree, Nebular Guard Tower, or Thunder Shard
Play at least 50 actions of this race Control Feedback, Spire Fusion, Shard Storm, Crystal Synergy, or Disrupt
Destroy a total of 50 opposing ships of this race Crystalline Void, Towering Crystal, Crystal Wraith, Amethyst Xyloxi, or Crystal Affinity
Generate a total of 1000 nebular energy Prismatic Spire, Shard Tree, Dark Xyloxi, Nebula Shard, or Nebula Harvester
Use a total of 500 nebular energy Sapphire Xyloxi, Data Crystal, Crystal Cloud, Grav Crystal, or Emerald Xyloxi
Unlock the 7 preceding achievements Crystal Nagato, Chyriax, 2nd Moon of Xyth, Crystal Avatar, or Wavebreaker
Win at least 10 times against decks containing at least 50% cards of this race Hivemind Fusor, Searching Thoughtlines, Oppressor, Datacide, or Fusion Plant
Launch at least 100 ships of this race Shield Drone, Waverider, Berserker, Siege Praetor, or Evolving Soldier
Deploy at least 75 structures of this race Technomind, Fused Gravimorph, Crystal Furnace, Fusion Furnace, or Slave Spire
Play at least 50 actions of this race Fusion Bolt, Relentless Assault, Clone, Berserk, or Lifelink
Destroy a total of 50 opposing ships of this race Fusion Spire, Interceptor, Overseer, Leviathan, or Trasher
Generate a total of 1000 fusion energy Dark Fusor, Sabotage, Nebula Grazer, Support Spire, or Duel
Use a total of 500 fusion energy Fusion Engineer, Fusion Jet, Drone Bomber, Decay Fusor, or Shatterer
Unlock the 7 preceding achievements Drone Carrier, Battle Queen, Aladayr Open Gate, Seraphine The Enslaved, or Core Praetor
Win at least 10 times against decks containing at least 50% cards of this race Cargoship, Ram, Hypernought, Shield Frigate, or Artillery Frigate
Launch at least 100 ships of this race Recycler, Datanought, Nanobot Leeches, Support Carrier, or Hammerhead
Deploy at least 75 structures of this race Nanobot Tower, Obfuscation Tower, Antigrav Vault, Shield Bastion, or Grav Tide Generator
Play at least 50 actions of this race Eject, Tidal Wave, Ambush, Assault, or Ravage
Destroy a total of 50 opposing ships of this race Nanobot Carrier, Emergency Fuel, Scrap Warden, Fleet Repairs, or Rift Tracer
Generate a total of 1000 gravitational energy Grav Blind Spot, Combat Support, Mass Refurbish, Shatter, or Grav Wave Hub
Use a total of 500 gravitational energy Siege Laser, Plasma Stream, Siege Commandtower, Gravimetric Engineer, or Battlecruiser
Unlock the 7 preceding achievements Terrornought, Ultranought, Enynantia Open Gate, Crystal Avatar, or Scylior
Win at least 10 times against decks containing at least 50% cards of this race Unstable Mutator, Fusion Monolith, Solar Technolith, Shield Node, or Entromorph
Launch at least 100 ships of this race Plague Morph, Enslaved Soldier, Entropic Engineer, Elemental Morph, or Devourer
Deploy at least 75 structures of this race Entropic Link, Leech Hive, Rift Monolith, Obscure Megalith, or Growth Spire
Play at least 50 actions of this race Chaos Bolt, Infect, Energy Shell, Space Warp, or Mutate
Destroy a total of 50 opposing ships of this race Energy Leech, Hydramorph, Mutating Vector, Energy Warp, or Infected Growth
Generate a total of 1000 entropic energy Wave Morpholith, Tackler Morph, Chaos Maw, Triax Node, or Persistent Morph
Use a total of 500 entropic energy Entropic Monolith, Abomination, Siege Monolith, Shield Morph, or Grasper Morph
Unlock the 7 preceding achievements Entropic Channeler, VoidBringer, Eaxiltrix Open Gate, Seraphine The Enslaved, or Failed Symbiont
Win at least 10 times against decks containing at least 50% cards of this race Mirror Shield, Lost Knowledge, Demonology, Stabilizer Ghost, or Ethereal Fighter
Launch at least 100 ships of this race Attack Barrier, Techno Elementalist, Techno Exarch, Mind Virus, or Techno Magister
Deploy at least 75 structures of this race Rift Echogate, Grand Technolith, Flux Fusiongate, Virus Barrier, or Chaos Mind
Play at least 50 actions of this race Techno Mirror, Mind Wipe, Data Echo, Techno Quasar, or Shield Channel
Destroy a total of 50 opposing ships of this race Scanner Ghost, Data Node, Ghost Screen, Technocrat, or Technogate
Generate a total of 1000 dimensional energy Techno Assaulter, Techno Engineer, Techno Leech, Data Feedback, or Dimensional Wave Hub
Use a total of 500 dimensional energy Techno Scan, Mind Hack, Technosavant, Mind Hack, or Equalizer Ghost
Unlock the 7 preceding achievements Shimmering Ghost, Technomancer, 1st Moon of Xyth, Magistralis, or Techno Mimic
Win at least 10 times against decks containing at least 50% cards of this race Solar Rift, Fusion Rift, Fusion Channeler, Grav Demon, or Dark Rift
Launch at least 100 ships of this race Lesser Solar Demon, Greater Grav Demon, Lesser Techno Demon, Greater Fusion Demon, or Techno Demon
Deploy at least 75 structures of this race Feedback Link, Elemental Rift, Dimensional Rift, Demonic Rift, or Energy Rift
Play at least 50 actions of this race Overload, Dimensional Channeler, Elemental Channeler, White Channeler, or Energy Burst
Destroy a total of 50 opposing ships of this race Rift Bolt, Solar Demon, Greater Techno Demon, Lesser Rift Demon, or Gravitational Rift
Generate a total of 1000 elemental energy Fusion Demon, Lesser Rift, Fused Star Rift, Chaos Demon, or Entropic Rift
Use a total of 500 elemental energy Dark Demon, Nebular Rift, Gravimetric Channeler, Lesser Dark Demon, or Lesser Fusion Demon
Unlock the 7 preceding achievements Rift Demon, Greater Rift Demon, Ytrilia Open Gate, Magistralis, or Greater Dark Demon
Win at least 5 times against each of the 8 major races Lesser Prismatic Demon, Lesser Nebula Demon, Glorious Starcrusher, Prismatic Generator, or Dark Fission Vault
Launch at least 10 ships from each of the 8 major races Ancient Engineer, Ghost Ship, Greater Prismatic Demon, Lost Carrier, or Derelict Battleship
Deploy at least 10 structures from each of the 8 major races Reliquary, Data Cube, Pantheon, Spectralis Core, or Science Lab
Play at least 10 actions from each of the 8 major races Dimensional Sail, Shielding Relic, Chain Reaction, Spectralis Channeler, or Spectrum Core
Destroy at least 25 ships from each of the 8 major races Gravitational Buoy, Prismatic Demon, Triax Intrl'Chcht, Ancient Convertor, or Lost Mine
Generate at least 100 energy of each of the 8 major types Ancient Torpedo, Fusion Phaser, Hydranought, Elemental Spark, or Nebular Flux Driver
Use at least 50 energy of each of the 8 major types Flare, Entropic Siphon, Greater Solar Demon, Prismatic Spark, or Solar Refractor
Unlock the 7 preceding achievements Titan Shield, Relic Fighter, Arcane Voidsplitter, Sensor Cluster, or Ancient Planetcracker

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