HD Spectrum Game Menu


Single Player

Single player mode lets the player play against the AI. In the single player screen, there are several gameplay modes available :

  • Play against the computer : play a single duel against the AI
  • Complete challenges : play against decks in varied environments
  • Participate in event : take part in large-scale events (when available)

Each of these modes can be selected by clicking the buttons on the left side of the screen, which brings up additional options and settings.

Play against the computer

  • Random computer deck : select the races you want to play against and the game will generate a deck for you to play against.
  • Storyline deck : learn more about the races through a series of 26 decks.
  • Game deck : the AI will use one of your decks. This is a good way of testing out your own decks.
  • Difficulty : change the difficulty for any of the selected AI decks.

Complete challenges

The challenges gameplay mechanic is a single player mode which places the player in a number of varying environments that either add new gameplay elements or slightly change the rules of the game.


When an event is in progress, this section becomes available and will allow the player to play against the event decks that have been unlocked thus far.


The multiplayer screen is a lobby wher players can browse games. Games in the list are players that are waiting for an opponent. Any of those games can be joined, but a player can also start their own game.
Ranked games will earn (or lose) the player PvP points when the player wins (or loses) such a game. In unranked games, no points are gained or lost, which makes it a good choice for testing out decks.


This section of the game allows a player to create or edit decks. Up to 3 game decks can be active at once, and in the deck vault, plenty more decks can be stored and reactivated.
The top panel in the deck editor shows the cards of the deck that's being edited. The bottom panel shows the cards that the player has unlocked thus far.


This section shows the player the number of games won thus far as well as the progress to various achievements.


The store allows the player to buy any common card or sell commons or elites the player might no longer need. Its currency is the credit.

Credits cannot be aquired for real-world money; they are just an in-game way of registering your past performance.


The help section provides a quick introduction to the game.


This screen allows the player to change settings regarding sound and visuals.


Programming & Visuals by NULLL Games
Music 'Cluster' by the NULLL Collective
Additional space Imagery courtesy of Nasa Image.

Additional Links & Info
